Trulioo provides customers with the ability to request various documents such as Shareholder documents, Articles of Association, Financial information documents etc. from the government registry, in real time.
How does document requesting work?
- Customers request the Document at the time of the verification. The availability of documents for download from a datasource needs to be checked as part of the Verify request. If you are interested in obtaining this information for a business you are verifying, the Business block of your Verify response needs to include the fieldName of the document as true.
For a full list of available documents and the associated fieldNames, refer to Document Availability
- "ShareholderListDocument": true, AND / OR
- "FinancialInformationDocument": true
If the documents are:
a. Available for the specified company, Trulioo will request them from the Government Registry.
b. Not available for the specified company, Trulioo will not request anything from the Government Registry. -
Subsequently, to use the Download Document method, you will need to use the transactionRecordId from the previous Verify request along with the fieldName from Document Availability. Once the document request is complete, Trulioo will provide the Base64 string for the document .
GET <<endpoint>>/v3/verifications/documentdownload/{transactionRecordID}/{fieldName}
Authorization: OAuth
Trulioo provides multiple global and regional endpoints. Please choose the correct endpoint based on your business use case and your regulatory and compliance requirements. You can find more information on the Multi-Region Hosting page.
This endpoint will return a media/pdf/Base64 response of the document being requested.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Are all documents available for download immediately?
Some datasources may not respond immediately. In such cases, you can configure a callback URL and the response will be updated once the document is available for download.
2. Can the processing time for document requests be sped up?
No, Trulioo only handles the request and response on behalf of customers. These restrictions are provided by the Government Registry.