Multi-Region Hosting

Your organization controls endpoint decisions around localization. These should be based on your business use case, regulatory and compliance requirements.

Benefits of Multi-Region Hosting

  • Lower latency for Trulioo transactions resulting in faster transaction response times
  • Greater system capacity to handle current growth in Trulioo customer base
  • Scalable architecture to allow for rapid expansion to meet future customer needs
  • Smooth transitions between hosted regions in the event an issue or outage is detected
  • The ability to restrict data hosting provides better flexibility to support your Data Privacy requirements

Multi-Region Availability

Trulioo services that are available in more than one region are listed below:

ServicesMulti-Region AvailabilityRegion Restrictions
Person MatchYesAPAC (Australia), European Union (Ireland), United States
Business VerificationYesAPAC (Australia), European Union (Ireland), United States
Identity Document VerificationYesUnited States, European Union (Ireland)
Trulioo PlatformNoEuropean Union (Frankfurt)
Fraud & RiskNoUnited States
WatchlistYesAPAC (Australia), European Union (Ireland), United States
eIDNoUnited States

NAPI Endpoints

The global endpoint ( connects you to the location with the fastest response times.

If you require your data to be hosted in one location, we currently offer localization options in the following countries:

RegionCountryRegional Endpoint

Note: Your data will only be hosted in your chosen location although Trulioo may route data to any of it's regional endpoints to improve latency, or where mandated by a data provider.

If you have any questions or concerns about this Multi-Region page, please reach out to Customer Support.