Business Watchlist Screening - *Legacy (V1)

Watchlist Request


Watchlist service is integrated into Trulioo's verification services. Customers using our Business identity solutions do not need to make any changes to their request structure except to add the VerboseMode parameter.


  • Before you get started, make sure you have either a NAPI user account or a Portal account.
  • You have existing knowledge of the API.
  • You have tested your credentials using the Test Authentication call.
  • You are aware of what fields and countries you are configured for from the Integration Guide

API Endpoint

For ease of integration, our Watchlist Screening product is integrated into the same endpoint as our Person Match and Business Verification products. In addition, Watchlist Screening can be configured to run as part of a Person Match/Business Verification transaction or a separate screening-only check.


Sample API Request

  "AcceptTruliooTermsAndConditions": true,
  "ConfigurationName": "Identity Verification",
  "ConsentForDataSources": [],
  "CountryCode": "UK",
  "DataFields": {
    "Business": {
      "BusinessName": "Gringotts Wizarding Bank"
  "VerboseMode": true
POST /verifications/v1/verify HTTP/1.1
Host: <<endpointLink>>
Authorization: Basic ACCESS_TOKEN
Content-Type: application/json

"DataFields": {
    "PersonInfo": {
        "FirstGivenName": "Vladimir",
        "FirstSurName": "Putin",
        "DayOfBirth": 7,
        "MonthOfBirth": 10,
        "YearOfBirth": 1952
"AcceptTruliooTermsAndConditions": true,
"CountryCode": "US",
"VerboseMode": "True"
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder()
MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json");
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, "{\r\n\"DataFields\": {\r\n    \"PersonInfo\": {\r\n        \"FirstGivenName\": \"Vladimir\",\r\n        \"FirstSurName\": \"Putin\",\r\n        \"DayOfBirth\": 7,\r\n        \"MonthOfBirth\": 10,\r\n        \"YearOfBirth\": 1952\r\n    }\r\n},\r\n\"AcceptTruliooTermsAndConditions\": true,\r\n\"CountryCode\": \"US\",\r\n\"VerboseMode\": \"True\"\r\n}");
Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .method("POST", body)
  .addHeader("Authorization", "Basic ACCESS_TOKEN")
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();

Watchlist Response


To see the WatchlistHitDetails Object you must set VerboseMode:true in the request.

Sample API Response

    "TransactionID": "cab59115-2885-44b9-bb93-9dc584839349",
    "UploadedDt": "2022-08-15T05:20:49",
    "CompletedDt": "2022-08-15T05:20:54",
    "CountryCode": "CA",
    "ProductName": "Identity Verification",
    "Record": {
        "TransactionRecordID": "202e67ff-28fb-ea9a-d325-d7af3245b0ea",
        "RecordStatus": "nomatch",
        "DatasourceResults": [
                "DatasourceName": "Advanced Business Watchlist",
                "DatasourceFields": [],
                "AppendedFields": [
                        "FieldName": "WatchlistState",
                        "Data": "Potential Hit"
                        "FieldName": "WatchlistData",
                        "Data": {
                            "num_WL_hits": 2,
                            "num_AM_hits": 2
                        "FieldName": "WatchlistHitDetails",
                        "Data": {
                            "WL_results": [
                                    "score": 1.0,
                                    "subjectMatched": "Gringotts Wizarding Bank",
                                    "entityName": "Gringotts Wizarding Bank",
                                    "sourceListType": "FEDERAL - Fine - Breached Sanctions",
                                    "sourceRegion": "United Kingdom",
                                    "remarks": "Posted Date: 12/19/1973 | Letter Issue Date: 07/26/1973 | Subject: Breached Sanction Violation",
                                    "caution": "The Gringotts Bank violated the Ministry of Magic sanctions and lent out a sum of 10,000 galleons to the Death Eaters for their marketing initiative",
                                    "URL": ""
                                    "score": 0.95,
                                    "subjectMatched": "Gringotts Bank",
                                    "entityName": "Gringotts Banks",
                                    "sourceListType": "MOM - Enforcement - Insufficient Security",
                                    "sourceRegion": "United Kingdom",
                                    "remarks": "Issuance Date: 1991-07-31",
                                    "caution": "The Gringotts Bank has been fined 1,000 galleons by the Ministry of Magic for poor compliance and security and allowing the theft of an object of national importance",
                                    "URL": ""
                            "AM_results": [{
                                    "score": 0.95,
                                    "subjectMatched": "Gringotts Bank",
                                    "text": "Investigations continue into the break-in at Gringotts on 31 July, widely believed to be the work of Dark wizards or witches unknown. Gringotts goblins today insisted that nothing had been taken. The vault that was searched had in fact been emptied the same day. But we're not telling you what was in there, so keep your noses out if you know what's good for you, said a Gringotts spokesgoblin this afternoon",
								    								"URL": ""
                                    "score": 0.90,
                                    "subjectMatched": "Gringotts",
                                    "text": "Gringotts has recently won 2 new awards for compliance and security as the safety place to store objects except for Hogwarts",
                                    "URL": ""
                "Errors": [],
                "FieldGroups": []
        "Errors": [],
        "Rule": {
            "RuleName": "RuleScript - BusinessVerify_v11",
            "Note": "Match on (Business Registration Number OR DUNS)"
    "Errors": []