JUMP TODEVELOPER PORTALWelcomeRECIPES & EXAMPLESRecipes and Examples - OverviewAuthenticationAPI HandshakeHMACEvent DispatcherExamplesBusiness Insights + Business Watchlist ScreeningPerson Match + Person Watchlist ScreeningID Document Verification using the Customer APIAPI GUIDESAPI Guides - OverviewTrulioo Platform APIIdentity Document VerificationGetting StartedDemo LicenseWebhookAndroidIOSWebWorkflow StudioWorkflow Studio (Low-Code)Workflow Studio (API)Normalized APIAsynchronous RequestsMulti-Region HostingAddress ValidationPerson VerificationIntegration GuideAPI IntegrationUnderstanding a Verify ResponseGet Country CodesGet FieldsCustomer ConsentBest Practices & Help GuidePerson ScreeningFraud Intelligence - Person FraudBusiness VerificationStep 1: Say HelloStep 2: Test AuthenticationStep 3: Retrieve Your Account ConfigurationStep 4: Selecting Your FlowStep 5: Business SearchStep 6: VerifyStep 7: Download DocumentBusiness Verification - Best PracticesUnderstanding Standardized FieldsVerifying Additional Names & AddressesComprehensive ViewMatching on Persons of Significant ControlPartial ResultsLanguage IntelligenceBusiness ScreeningNormalized API 1.0 (Legacy)v1 - Introductionv1 - Getting StartedSandbox vs. Live Environment - v1v1 - Keys and AuthenticationConnecting to Trulioo's API using Mutual TLS - v1v1 - Asynchronous Requestsv1 - Multi-Region Hostingv1 - What is Address Validation?v1 - Identity Verificationv1 - API Integrationv1 - Understanding a Verify Responsev1 - Get Country Codesv1 - Get Fieldsv1 - Customer Consentv1 - Best Practices & Help Guidev1 - What Fields am I configured for?v1 - My Previous Transactionsv1 - National IDs: Supported Typesv1 - What is Address Cleansing?v1 - International Watchlistv1 - Person Screeningv1 - Watchlist Screeningv1 - Identity Document Verificationv1 - Identity Document Verification Overviewv1 - Mobile SDK - iOSv1 - Mobile SDK - Androidv1 - Document Verificationv1 - Document Verification Overviewv1 - Improving Document Capture Resultsv1 - Identity Document Verification Quick Startv1 - Step 1: Say Hellov1 - Step 2: Test Authenticationv1 - Step 3: Get Country Codesv1 - Step 4: SDK token request optionalv1 - Step 5: Get Document Typesv1 - Step 6: Image Capture SDKv1 - Step 7: Async Verifyv1 - Step 8: Synch Verifyv1 - Integration Guide/Best Practicesv1 - Country Codesv1 - Document Typesv1 - Verifyv1 - Business Verification Overviewv1 - Business Verificationv1 - Important Conceptsv1 - KYB Quick Startv1 - Step 1: Say Hellov1 - Step 2: Test Authenticationv1 - Step 3: Retrieve Your Account Configurationv1 - Step 4: Selecting Your Flowv1 - Step 5: Business Searchv1 - Step 6: Verifyv1 - Step 7: Download Documentv1 - Next Stepsv1 - Business Screeningv1 - Business Watchlist Screeningv1 - Best Practicesv1 - Using Search and Verify APIsv1 - View Previous Transactionsv1 - Document Availabilityv1 - Document Request Timev1 - vUnderstanding Standardized Fieldsv1 - Standardized Business Verification Contentv1 - Verifying Additional Names & Addressesv1 - Comprehensive Viewv1 - Matching on Persons of Significant Controlv1 - Partial Resultsv1 - Language Intelligencev1 - Errorsv1 - HTTP Errorsv1 - Trulioo Service/DataSource Level Errorsv1 - Validation Codesv1 - Record Level Errorsv1 - Get Transaction Record ErrorsAPI REFERENCEAPI Reference - OverviewErrorsTrulioo Platform API EndpointsGet current step or initialize a flowgetConnect a clientId to a flow by generating a tokengetReceiving EventspostRetrieve workflows from organization v2getSubmit data for the current step of a flowpostConnects a user with a flow with a tokengetRetrieve a file from a client v2getSubmit file for the current step of a flowpostRetrieve profiles from your workspace v2getComputes a backward step in the flow execution.getRetrieve profile data from a client v2getDeprecatedClient Credential Flow (2-legged OAuth)postRetrieve workflows from organization v1getRetrieve a file from a client v1getRetrieve profiles from your workspace v1getRetrieve profile data from a client v1getIdentity Document VerificationAuthorizationAuthorize and generate access tokenspostTransactionCreate a shortcode for handoff to a SDKpostCreate and Configure TransactionspostUpload a documentpostStart to verify a transactionpostGet the data of a transactiongetGet an imagegetNormalized API (NAPI)ConfigurationGet Country CodegetGet Recommended FieldsgetGet Detailed ConsentsgetGet ConsentsgetGet Test EntitiesgetGet List of packagesgetGet Country SubdivisionsgetGet FieldsgetGet DatasourcesgetConnectionSay HellogetTest AuthenticationgetVerificationsGet Transaction RecordgetGet Transaction StatusgetKYC - Person VerificationVerifypostKYB - Business VerificationGet all Jurisdictions of IncorporationgetGet Jurisdictions of Incorporation per countrygetGet Business Registration Numbers for all supported countriesgetGet Business Registration Numbers by CountrygetGet Business Registration Numbers by Country w/JOIgetBusiness SearchpostGetBusinessSearchResultgetVerifypostDocumentDownloadgetGet Trulioo Business Summary ReportgetGet Partial Transaction ResultgetNormalized API 1.0 (Legacy)Connection Endpoints (Legacy)Say HelloTest AuthenticationConfiguration Endpoints (Legacy)Get Country CodesGet ConsentsGet Detailed ConsentsGet Country SubdivisionsGet FieldsGet Recommended FieldsGet Test EntitiesGet DatasourcesVerification Endpoints (Legacy)Get Transaction RecordGet Transaction Record (w/Address)Get Transaction Record VerboseGet Transaction StatusIdentity Verification Endpoints (Legacy)VerifyDocument Verification Endpoints (Legacy)Get Document TypesVerifyGet Transaction Record (w/Document Image)Business Verification Endpoints - (Legacy)Get Business Registration Numbers for all supported countriesGet Business Registration Numbers by CountryGet Business Registration Numbers by Country w/JOIGet all Jurisdictions of IncorporationGet Jurisdictions of Incorporation per countryBusiness SearchGet Business Search ResultVerifyGet Partial Transaction ResultDownload DocumentRetrieve workflows from organization v1get deprecatedhttps://api.trulioo.com/wfs/api/export/v1/query/flowsRetrieve all workflows from your organization