In order to verify a business, you need to know its business registration number. If you don't have this data on hand already, Trulioo has a Business Search endpoint that allows you to retrieve the business registration number, using attributes such as a business' name, the jurisdiction in which it was incorporated, and the country in which the business is incorporated.
Trulioo provides multiple global and regional endpoints. Please choose the correct endpoint based on your business use case and your regulatory and compliance requirements. See the full list here.
POST <<endpoint>>/v3/business/search
Authorization: OAuth
Content-Type: application/json
"AcceptTruliooTermsAndConditions" : true,
"CountryCode" : "CA",
"Business" : {
"BusinessName" : "Acme Inc.",
JurisdictionOfIncorporation : "BC"
Some datasources may return data at a later time. The callback URL is the endpoint set for such asynchronous responses from Truloo. If set, the transaction will run asynchronously and Trulioo will try to update you with transaction state updates until completed.
"TransactionID": "f8777996-ccf2-4c08-87b0-ad8374e1ffff",
"UploadedDt": "2022-04-04T21:58:26",
"CountryCode": "CA",
"ProductName": "Business Search",
"Record": {
"TransactionRecordID": "28f19114-f293a-a391-123a-e79ajkal5ch7",
"RecordStatus": "match",
"DatasourceResults": [
"Results": [
"Index": "1",
"BusinessName": "Acme Inc",
"MatchingScore": "100.00",
"BusinessRegistrationNumber": "BRN123ABC",
"JurisdictionOfIncorporation": "BC",
"FullAddress": "123 Main St, Vancouver, V6M 1A3",
"BusinessStatus": "Active",
"OriginalBusinessStatus": "Active",
"BusinessType": "Headquarters",
"Address": {
"BuildingNumber": "123",
"StreetName": "Main",
"StreetType": "St",
"City": "Vancouver",
"PostalCode": "V6M 1A3"
"Index": "2",
"BusinessName": "Acne Cream Co.",
"MatchingScore": "54.8",
"BusinessRegistrationNumber": "BRN456ABC",
"JurisdictionOfIncorporation": "BC",
"FullAddress": "789 Commercial St, Vancouver, V1K 1C8",
"BusinessStatus": "Active",
"OriginalBusinessStatus": "Active",
"Address": {
"BuildingNumber": "789",
"StreetName": "Commercial",
"StreetType": "St",
"City": "Vancouver",
"PostalCode": "V1K 1C8"
"Index": "3",
"BusinessName": "Acm Masonry And Landscape Products Ltd",
"MatchingScore": "28.1",
"BusinessRegistrationNumber": "",
"JurisdictionOfIncorporation": "BC",
"FullAddress": "345 Central St, Vancouver, V6Z 2S1",
"BusinessStatus": "Out of Business",
"OriginalBusinessStatus": "Out of Business",
"BusinessType": "Independent Company",
"Address": {
"BuildingNumber": "345",
"StreetName": "Central",
"StreetType": "St",
"City": "Vancouver",
"PostalCode": "V6Z 2S1"
"Errors": []
"Errors": []
The response to the Business Search request may contain an array of several entities that have been found in underlying datasources which/that resemble the input parameters.
Based on this response of possible matches, you can select the desired company that you want to verify and use its details to trigger the Verify request.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Why are multiple companies being returned?
There are many reasons why multiple companies could be returned in a single response.
Based on the information provided, we identified several businesses for which the names, addresses, or other input data might be shared and/or similar amongst many entities.2. What is a Matching Score?
The data provided for verification may differ slightly from the information in the underlying datasources while referring to the same entity. Trulioo uses intelligent algorithms to match these strings. The matching score is an indicator of how closely the input matches the found information. A higher matching score indicates closer matching, with ‘1’ denoting exact match.
3. The Search using Business Name did not return any results?
Try using the Legal Business Name as opposed to trade names or a different Jurisdiction (make sure it is where the business was incorporated).