Verifying Additional Names & Addresses

Some countries and configurations support the verification of a second name and/or address in addition to primary name and address as part of the same business verification request.

This will allow you to pass a Business' Trade-style or Doing-Business-As Name and secondary (mailing or operational) addresses in the same request and receive improved matching based on the additional inputs provided.

In order to utilize this capability, modify your Verify request using the CountrySpecific object as follows:

POST <<endpoint>>/v3/business/verify
Authorization: OAuth
Content-Type: application/json
	"AcceptTruliooTermsAndConditions": true,
	"CallBackUrl": "",
	"CleansedAddress": false,
	"ConfigurationName": "Identity Verification",
	"ConsentForDataSources": [],
	"verificationType": "Live",
	"packageId": "xxxxx",
	"CountryCode": "CA",
	"BusinessDataFields": {
		"BusinessName": "Acme Inc.",
		"BusinessRegistrationNumber": "BRN123ABC",
		"JurisdictionOfIncorporation": "BC",
		"DayOfIncorporation": 13,
		"MonthOfIncorporation": 5,
		"YearOfIncorporation": 1990,
		"EnhancedProfile": true,
		"Entities": true,
		"Location": {
			"BuildingNumber": "123",
			"UnitNumber": "6",
			"StreetName": "Main",
			"StreetType": "st",
			"City": "Vancouver",
			"StateProvinceCode": "BC",
			"PostalCode": "V6M 1A3"
		"CountrySpecific": {
			"CA": {
				"TradestyleName": "The Widget Showroom",
				"SecondBuildingNumber": "456",
				"SecondUnitNumber": "8",
				"SecondStreetName": "Central",
				"SecondStreetType": "Avenue",
				"SecondCity": "Calgary",
				"SecondStateProvinceCode": "AB",
				"SecondPostalCode": "V6M 1A3"
		"Communication": {
			"Telephone": "1 (888) 782-2912",
			"EmailAddress": "[email protected]"
	"VerboseMode": false



Trulioo provides multiple global and regional endpoints. Please choose the correct endpoint based on your business use case and your regulatory and compliance requirements. See the full list here.

Note: Trulioo provides multiple global and regional endpoints. Please choose the correct endpoint based on your business use case and your regulatory and compliance requirements.>> See the full list here.