Customer Consent - *Legacy (V1)

For certain datasources, your customer will have to provide consent for their data to be passed to that source. We recommend calling Get Consents for the selected country to get a list of the sources requiring consent. This will return an array like the following from Australia:

    "Australia Driver Licence",
    "Australia Passport",
    "Birth Registry",
    "Visa Verification",
    "DVS Driver License Search",
    "DVS Medicare Search",
    "DVS Passport Search",
    "DVS Visa Search",
    "DVS ImmiCard Search",
    "DVS Citizenship Certificate Search",
    "DVS Certificate of Registration by Descent Search",
    "Credit Agency"

When building a web form, you can use this list to populate a selection of checkboxes that will allow your user to provide their consent for each datasource:

  <input type="checkbox" name="Australia Driver Licence" value="Australia Driver Licence">I consent to having my data verified against the Australia driver license registry<br>
  <input type="checkbox" name="Australia Passport" value="Australia Passport">I consent to having my data verified against the Australia passport registry<br>
  <input type="checkbox" name="Birth Registry" value="Birth Registry">I consent to having my data verified against the birth registry<br>
  <input type="submit" value="Submit">