Receiving Events

Subscribing to event types

To begin working with the Events API, you'll need to configure the Export Api step in the builder if you haven't already.

Since your application will have only one Event Request URL, you'll need to do any additional dispatch or routing server-side after receiving event data.

Your Callback URL will receive JSON-based payloads containing wrapped event types. The volume of events will vary depending on the events you subscribe to, and activity of users on your flow.

Your Callback URL will receive a request for each event matching your subscriptions. One request, one event.

URL verification handshake

The events sent to your Request URL may contain sensitive information associated with the data submitted in your flow. To ensure that events are being delivered to a server under your direct control, we must verify your ownership by issuing you a challenge request.

We DO NOT support subscription through our API. The definition is right below.
Please use the workflow builder to subscribe to our webhooks through the export api step.

After you've completed the configuration on the dashboard or subscribed to receive events on our endpoint, we'll dispatch a HTTP POST to your request URL. We'll verify your SSL certificate and we'll send a application/json POST body containing three fields. Check Url verification handshake.

Subscribing to Event Types

To use the Events API, first set up the Export API step in the builder. Your application will have a single Event Request URL, and you'll need to handle any routing or additional processing on your server after receiving event data.

Your Callback URL will receive JSON payloads for the event types you subscribe to. The number of events will depend on your subscriptions and user activity. Each event generates one request to your Callback URL.

URL Verification Handshake

Events sent to your Request URL may contain sensitive data from your flow. To ensure secure delivery, we verify your server ownership with a challenge request.

Note: You cannot subscribe through our API. Use the workflow builder to subscribe to webhooks via the Export API step.

After you configure the dashboard or subscribe to events, we will send an HTTP POST request to your Request URL. This request will verify your SSL certificate and include a JSON body with three fields. Refer to the URL verification handshake for details.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!