GlobalGateway Business Screening is a watchlist screening service that performs Sanctions, and Adverse Media checks for Businesses. This watchlist service ensures customers’ user bases are at the lowest risk of sanction list presence, fraud, money laundering, corruption, financial crimes, and terrorism.
One of the most complete watchlist services on the market, GlobalGateway Watchlist is the AML compliance solution of choice for the world’s largest global marketplaces, financial institutions, and trading platforms. Fully integrated into the GlobalGateway platform, Watchlist connects to customers’ KYB onboarding journeys via a single API to screen and monitor their users against 6,000+ global watchlists and 20,000+ Adverse Media lists at the point of onboarding and continuously thereafter.
How GlobalGateway Watchlist Checking Works
GlobalGateway Watchlist uses the same request structure as the rest of GlobalGateway allowing users to receive both the Watchlist and KYB results in a single API Call
GlobalGateway checks the request information against a multitude of global watchlist and adverse media sources worldwide
If there is a potential match or a “hit” on the watchlist, further detail is shown in the appended fields
The detailed information provided lets clients determine the applicability of the watchlist hit and determine their next steps
Clients using both Watchlist and Verification Services
Trulioo clients who enable the GlobalGateway Watchlist with their verification services receive two distinct sets of data per identity-check
The first verifies the identity of a business and the second checks against a multitude of government sanction lists and adverse media worldwide
GlobalGateway Watchlist Information
Main Body Parameters
Response Element
Element Description
An ID returned for all searches for rec troubleshooting purposes
An element to show overall status of the Watchlist search, possible values are:
Potential Hit
No Hit
An element to show a detailed view of Watchlist search results per category, possible values are:
num_WL_hits num_AM_hits
Detailed view of search hits
WatchlistState Parameters
Response Element
Element Description
Potential Hit
Based on the client's configuration, this name is present on the lists searched. The results might potentially be the entity being screened.
No Hit
Based on the client's configuration, this name is not present on the lists searched. The entity being screened is likely not on the list searched
Watchlist Results Parameters
Response Element
Element Description
The calculated relevancy match percentage.
Subject Matched
The name matched for this document
Individual's name.
Name of the agency which represents the source of the record.
The geographic region of the source containing the result record.
Any pertinent remarks about the searched subject that the source chose to highlight.
Any known alerts/sanctions/issues related to the subject.