For each transaction, results show the outcome of a particular check. The transaction result will be accepted, declined, review or error. If you'd like more information on how these work or a look at the Transaction History page in the UI, visit Security Checks and Transaction Results content in Trulioo's Knowledge Hub.
- Accepted
The verification test has a pass result. The identity documentation is verified.
- Review
There is insufficient information to run the verification test. Checks are run for the validity of the document type, and the quality of the data extracted via Optical Character Recognition.
- Declined
The verification test returns a fail result and the identity documentation is not verified.
The indicators for each of these, as well as Errors are defined in the tables below
Parent Indicator | Sub Indicator | Description | Details |
Face Match | Face Match | ACCEPTED_FACE_MATCH | Document photo and selfie matched. |
Document | Document | ACCEPTED_DOCUMENT | Document verification passed. |
Liveness | Liveness | ACCEPTED_LIVENESS | Face photo was not captured live. |
Parent Indicator | Sub Indicator | Description | Details |
Document | VALID_DOCUMENT | INVALID_CHARACTERS | Date of birth or document number contains invalid characters. |
Document | CLASSIFIED_DOCUMENT | DAMAGED | Document annulled or damaged. |
Document | VALID_DOCUMENT | ISSUE_DATE_OVER_10Y | Document has no expiration and was issued more than 10 years ago. |
Document | VALID_DOCUMENT | EXPIRED | Document expired. |
Document | PRESENTATION_ATTACK | DOCUMENT_NOT_FOUND | Document is not detected in the image |
Document | PRESENTATION_ATTACK | DOCUMENT_PHOTO_NOT_FOUND | Document photo is not detected in the image |
Document | CLASSIFIED_DOCUMENT | UNSUPPORTED_DOCUMENT | Document type is not supported. |
Document | CLASSIFIED_DOCUMENT | UNKNOWN_DOCUMENT_TYPE | Document type is unknown. |
Document | OCR | SKIPPED_IMAGE_QA | Image quality check could not be performed. |
Document | MISSING_PHOTOS | PHOTOS_MISSING | Photos are missing. |
Document | OCR | POOR_IMAGE_QUALITY | Poor image quality. |
Document | TAMPERING | DATA_XCHECK_REFERENCE_ADDRESS | Presented document tampered. Found different data for address. |
Document | TAMPERING | DATA_XCHECK_REFERENCE_EXPIRY | Presented document tampered. Found different data for expiration date. |
Document | TAMPERING | DATA_XCHECK_REFERENCE_GIVEN_NAME | Presented document tampered. Found different data for given name. |
Document | TAMPERING | DATA_XCHECK_REFERENCE_SURNAME | Presented document tampered. Found different data for surname. |
Document | FACE_MATCH | REVIEW_FACE_MATCH | Review document photo with selfie. |
Document | OCR | SKIPPED_SECURITY | Security check could not be performed. |
Document | OCR | NO_ADDRESS | Unable to collect address. |
Document | OCR | NO_DOB | Unable to collect date of birth. |
Document | OCR | NO_DOC_NUM | Unable to collect document number. |
Document | OCR | NO_EXP_DATE | Unable to collect expiry date. |
Document | OCR | NO_GENDER | Unable to collect gender. |
Document | OCR | NO_ISSUE_DATE | Unable to collect issue date. |
Document | OCR | NO_NAME | Unable to collect name. |
Document | OCR | NO_COUNTRY | Unable to collect nationality. |
Document | OCR | MISSING_FIELD | Unable to collect required fields. |
Parent Indicator | Sub Indicator | Description | Details |
DOCUMENT | PRESENTATION_ATTACK | SCREEN_USED | Attempted deceit. Device screen used. |
DOCUMENT | PRESENTATION_ATTACK | PHOTOS_STREAMED | Attempted deceit. Photos streamed. |
DOCUMENT | PRESENTATION_ATTACK | PRINTOUT_USED | Attempted deceit. Printout used. |
DOCUMENT | CLASSIFIED_DOCUMENT | DIFFERENT_DOCUMENTS | Document front and back don't belong to the same document. |
FACE_MATCH | FACE_MATCH | DECLINED_FACE_MATCH | Document photo and selfie match failed. |
LIVENESS | LIVENESS | LIVENESS_FAIL | Face photo was not captured live. |
FACE_MATCH | FACE_MATCH | FACE_MATCH_FAIL | Person showing the document does not match document photo. |
DOCUMENT | CLASSIFIED_DOCUMENT | JURISDICTION_NOT_FOUND | Presented document is missing jurisdiction. Jurisdiction is required for the document type and country based on configuration. |
DOCUMENT | CLASSIFIED_DOCUMENT | INVALID_CONFIG_DOCTYPE | Presented document is not a valid document type based on configuration. |
DOCUMENT | CLASSIFIED_DOCUMENT | INVALID_CONFIG_COUNTRY | Presented document is not from a valid country based on configuration. |
DOCUMENT | CLASSIFIED_DOCUMENT | INVALID_CONFIG_JURISDICTION | Presented document is not from a valid jurisdiction based on configuration. |
DOCUMENT | TAMPERING | INVALID_BARCODE | Presented document tampered. Barcode could not be read or is invalid format. |
DOCUMENT | DATA_XCHECK | DATA_XCHECK_REFERENCE | Presented document tampered. Data cross check reference is not verified. |
DOCUMENT | PRESENTATION_ATTACK | DOCUMENT_TAMPERING | Presented document tampered. Document similarity to specimen is not verified. |
DOCUMENT | TAMPERING | DATA_XCHECK_REFERENCE_DOB | Presented document tampered. Found different data for date of birth. |
DOCUMENT | TAMPERING | DATA_XCHECK_REFERENCE_NAME | Presented document tampered. Found different data for full name. |
DOCUMENT | SUSPICIOUS_ACTIVITY | SUSPICIOUS | Suspicious behavior found. |
Indicator | Sub Indicator | Description | Details |
DOCUMENT | PRESENTATION_ATTACK | ERROR_DOCUMENT_LIVENESS | Error retrieving document liveness. |
DOCUMENT | VALID_DOCUMENT | ERROR_DOCUMENT | Error retrieving document verification. |
FACE_MATCH | FACE_MATCH | ERROR_FACE_MATCH | Error retrieving face match results. |
LIVENESS | LIVENESS | ERROR_LIVENESS | Error retrieving liveness results. |