Business Verification - Overview - v1
GlobalGateway Business Verification analyzes, verifies and provides data intelligence for business entities in 195+ countries. During Customer Due Diligence, Business Verification assists clients to automate compliance workflows, reduce manual front-to-back office operations, take advantage of digital processes, decrease the risk of fraud, and allow staff to focus on key compliance considerations. You can [Search] (doc:step-4a-business-search) for a business and [Verify] (doc:step-4b-verify) it against data sources configured for your account.
If you're new to GlobalGateway, refer to our [GlobalGateway API] (doc:globalgateway-api) for more information and how to integrate. The [Quick Start] (doc:quick-start) guide will walk you through how quick and easy it is to build a business verification solution. The API reference provides a comprehensive overview of the available endpoints for business verification. It's interactive, so you can use your credentials to make calls directly from the browser, allowing you to easily test and understand the methods.
Updated 5 months ago