The GlobalGateway .NET SDK is for developers using C#. Providing wrapper methods for all of the GlobalGateway API endpoints, it reduces the overhead and boilerplate to get your C# integration up and running.
Below you will see how to install and get started with our C# SDK.
There are two ways to add the GlobalGateway C# SDK to your project. The first is to simply use it as library so that it sits as a dependency in your code. The second is to pull our source code and manage it for yourself.
Installing the Library
To install the C# SDK, run the following command in the Nuget Package Manager Console:
Install-Package Trulioo.V1.Client.NET
Source Code
We host our SDKs publicly on GitHub. If you wish to view them or clone the code directly you can find our repository here:
If you are new to GitHub you can learn how to fork a repository here.
Next Steps
Our quick-start guides all contain C# code to get you started.
Updated 1 day ago