Step 6: Validate Credentials (optional)

Purpose: This method is optional and only recommended in instances where the utility credentials were invalid.

The transactionID from step #5 (start UtilityID Verification) is required.

User-experience: Notify the end-user that their credentials were invalid and allow them to retry.



An update will be sent to the callback URL (provided in Step 5: start UtilityID verification) indicating if the credentials are valid.

This is only for utility providers that support credential validation

Sample Callback Update

Valid Credentials

  "TransactionId": "14be3def-e68b-48d1-b298-c04a404356a5",
  "TransactionRecordId": "",
  "RTSTransactionID": "14be3def-e68b-48d1-b298-c04a404356a5",
  "Status": "Valid Credentials"

Invalid Credentials

  "TransactionId": "dc401883-8ebe-4357-b380-335ee3d5fb96",
  "TransactionRecordId": "",
  "RTSTransactionID": "cd758a6b-6101-42b6-983f-93231be51868",
  "Status": "Invalid Credentials"

Sample Request

POST /utilityid/v1/credentials HTTP/1.1
Host: <<endpointLink>>
Authorization: Basic <AUTH>
Content-Type: application/json

  "TransactionID": "dc401883-8ebe-4357-b380-335ee3d5fb96",
  "Username": "SUCCESS",
  "Password": "mock_password"

The response will return 200 and a message informing the credentials were successfully submitted.