Mobile Number Validation

Mobile Number Validation

The Mobile Number Validation source can be used in conjunction with the MobileID source for validating the input numbers. It is included in both the MobileID package and its subset, Utility Mobile Telco.

Customers can send up to three phone numbers per request and the Mobile Number Validation will validate each number by:

  • Checking if the input number is Mobile or not
  • Checking if the input number belongs to a supported carrier or not

Based on the validation checks, the Mobile Number Validation source will select the best input number to send to the MobileID datasource to check against other input data (Name, Address etc.). If no valid Mobile Number is provided, the MobileID datasource is not called.

The following code snippet shows what happens if the previous example is run with Mobile Number Validation enabled. Note up to three numbers can be sent at once.


  "AcceptTruliooTermsAndConditions": true,
  "CleansedAddress": false,
  "ConfigurationName": "Identity Verification",
  "ConsentForDataSources": [
  "CountryCode": "US",
  "DataFields": {
    "PersonInfo": {
      "FirstGivenName": "John",
      "FirstSurName": "Smith",
      "DayOfBirth": 5,
      "MonthOfBirth": 3,
      "YearOfBirth": 1983
    "Communication": {
      "MobileNumber": "202 555 1234",
      "Telephone": "1234567890",
      "Telephone2": "6135550156"


   "TransactionID": "5a123d12-908b-419d-ab1b-b8da9d32ae3e",
   "UploadedDt": "2018-09-20T18:53:45",
   "CountryCode": "CA",
   "ProductName": "Identity Verification",
   "Record":    {
      "TransactionRecordID": "94c79d17-967e-4d4c-8c5u-c4b6a39bb30",
      "RecordStatus": "match",
      "DatasourceResults": [      {
         "DatasourceName": "Mobile ID",
          "DatasourceName": "Mobile Number Validation",
          "DatasourceFields": [],
          "AppendedFields": [
              "FieldName": "PhoneType",
              "Data": "MOBILE"
              "FieldName": "Operator",
              "Data": "TELUS (supported)"
              "FieldName": "CellNumber",
              "Data": "2025551234"
          "Errors": [],
          "FieldGroups": []
          "DatasourceName": "Mobile Number Validation",
          "DatasourceFields": [],
          "AppendedFields": [
              "FieldName": "PhoneType",
              "Data": "INVALID"
              "FieldName": "CellNumber",
              "Data": "1234567890"
          "Errors": [
              "Code": "4002",
              "Message": "Not a valid MobileNumber"
          "FieldGroups": []
          "DatasourceName": "Mobile Number Validation",
          "DatasourceFields": [],
          "AppendedFields": [
              "FieldName": "PhoneType",
              "Data": "PREPAID"
              "FieldName": "Operator",
              "Data": "New Mobile Company Inc. (not supported)"
              "FieldName": "CellNumber",
              "Data": "6135550156"
          "Errors": [
              "Code": "4003",
              "Message": "Not a supported carrier"
          "FieldGroups": []
      "Errors": [],
      "Rule":       {
         "RuleName": "Category 3 KYC",
         "Note": "Match(FamilyAndGivenInitial, DOB) or Match(FamilyAndGivenInitial, FullAddress) or Match(FamilyAndGivenInitial, ID)"
   "Errors": []

You can see here that if three phone numbers are sent the validation is run on each of these. In the case of the above transaction:

  • 2025551234 was found to be part of a supported network and is a mobile number.
  • 1234567890 was identified as an invalid phone number. You can see we throw a 4002 error here.
  • 6135550156 was identified as a valid prepaid number, however, as the carrier is not supported by GlobalGateway a 4003 error is returned.